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The future of your bathroom - today


Over the last ten years or so, technology has evolved dramatically, and not just in industrial environments and computing but more importantly in our homes. More amazingly technology has made an impact in our bathrooms, from LED mirrors to state of the artsteam shower cubicles; a standard bathroom is a thing of the past.

When it came to interior décor for the home the bathroom was almost forgotten about and manufacturers recognised the gap in the market and excelled with some fantastic products that hugely benefit the bathroom. Steam shower cabins have quickly become a sought after domestic appliance that is offers a vast array of items readily available, from space saving quadrant enclosures to huge steam shower baths they are all packed with wonderful features that excel in terms of performance. As well as all the additional features that a steam shower incorporates they look are extremely aesthetically pleasing with their unique and very modern appearances.

These newly introduced showers are actually an old fashioned method of bathing and showering. Roman kings and queens were renowned for their use of steam baths, but it was to benefit the health too. The health benefits related to the use of steam has been a non-medicinal remedy commonly used for hundreds of years. It has been linked with helping conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, congestion issues and even very painful conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. And these are not all, circulation of the blood is aided and also it is better than any creams for the skin. Many people use saunas and steam baths to open the pores and cleanse the body; it is a complete detox for the body.

The health benefits alone should be more than enough for any-one to want a steam shower cabin in their bathroom however there are considerations that have to be taken into account before you make your purchase. Firstly take into account the size of enclosure your bathroom can accommodate, steam showers are available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, some suppliers can even custom make cabins at an additional cost. Your plumbing connection have to be able to allow the shower to function, in most cases this is not an issue however sometimes a water pressure pump may be required. These two factors are the most important things to be considered, it is always advisable to seek the professional help of a plumber and once you have been given the go-ahead it’s a case of choosing cabin that suits your needs.

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