Thermostatic Cartridges

Thermostatic cartridges, Thermo Cores, they go by many names but are essentially the same thing - Thermostatic Cassettes / Cartridges enable you to regulate the water temperature in your shower. Check our PDF to the right to view how to remove these from Aqualusso showers. If you have found your shower water is getting colder, even when you turn the dial fully round, then this is a clear sign the thermostatic Cartridge needs to be replaced. Type 6, Type 8, Type 12, Vernet Wax Sensor Type, ColorSpa. Our thermostatic cartridges are compatible with various models sold by the following suppliers in the UK: Bathtek, AquaLusso, Brownes Health, BPS, Cascada, Bath Depot, Lisna Waters, Victorian Plumbing, JT Spas, Cascada Bathrooms, Niko, Ultra Finishing, Alto, OPUS, Indigo Showers, Superior Showers, Better Bathrooms, Brownes of London, Insignia, Heat & Plumb, Divapor, Steam Shower Supply, Eden Steam ShowersBathtek, AquaLusso, Brownes Health, BPS, Cascada, Bath Dept, Lisna Waters etc. Always remove your cartridge first to check we can supply the correct type as they MUST be replaced with the same profiles item.